Friday, July 9, 2010

Blazin' Summer


It's a blazing heat wave! If you live in the Northeast, you know what I'm talking about.
And if you don't live in the Northeast, allow me to paint a clear picture of what it's like. Just imagine if you were wearing a baked potato costume, wrapped yourself up in aluminum foil, and threw yourself into a hot oven and let yourself sizzle. This is the reality in new york at the moment.

Early in the afternoon I stepped outside wearing a semi-cool outfit to get some coconut water. Ten minutes later I was a disheveled mess looking like I had been lost at sea for 2 days. Looking around at everyone else it's at least comforting to know you're not the only one looking like that.
At least looking crazy doesn't mean your mind is crazy.

Some dude left his pants on the ground.

No need for pants! If you happen to see a man walking around in his scivvies you can remind him he left his pants near the Morgan stop on the L train.

Later Tuesday evening, I was in Astoria. Out of nowhere, fire and smoke started coming out of the manhole covers!

There was an explosion, fire, black smoke, and a lot of freaking out everywhere. Problems occurred in the con edison gas lines due to the extreme heat. It was pretty scary!
The reactions of the neighborhood folk were very peculiar.

There was a tall man standing around the black smoke eating ice cream, totally unaffected
I freaked out and called marc and drank a bunch of wine
My friend who lives across the street also freaked out and went home and wound up smoking a bunch of weed and eating a bag of grapes
an old lady complained about how slow the train was
The ice cream man freaked out that all his ice cream was melting
And then a native told me that this is a regular occurrence in Astoria. One of the characteristics of an old 'hood in New York. I'm glad the manhole covers and everything beneath them are no longer on fire. It was mayhem!
Winter, step on the gas pedal, we need a cold breeze soon!

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